Friday, November 22, 2013

Successful Book Review Blogging #2: Choose a specific niche

Unless you have a lot of friends who can help you review books - and some of you might be at that point, you have time to read and review only one or two books a day.

(How can you read two 300-page books in a day? Well, you're reviewing, not reading. You read the first two chapters. A couple of chapters in the middle, and the last two chapters, and from that you can craft a review.)

The best thing to do is choose a niche - something your book review blog will be known for. You can review only mysteries (which consists of a pretty wide range - the science fiction novel Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov is a mystery, as is The Naked Sun), or you can review only science fiction - and please, please distinguish that from fantasy because science fiction does not equate to fantasy!

Romance books, young adult, children's - all these make for very easy reading, if you feel that you have to read a book straight through before you can review it.

Non fiction is also a separate category, but you can specialize here as well - books that teach you how to use computers and their programs, photography books, how-to manuals, travel books, and so on.

It's not necessary to feature only new books, too. When you're just starting out, why not review books you've already read - call them "retro reviews" or "vintage reviews" or something of that nature. By doing this, you can write several reviews quite quickly to place on your blog, as a foundation for the new reviews to come.

Below are a few books you might like to read, including Faint Praise, The Plight of Book Reviewing in America which talk about the actual subject rather than being a how-to guide:

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