In the meantime, please feel free to download this guide to creating and monetizing a blog, written by Caroline Miniscule (owner of several blogs, as well as author of such books on the Kindle and Nook as The Coldest Equations: The Labyrinth Makers, The Lady and the Tiger...Moth, The Powder Puff Derby Puzzle and Radiation Theatre: The Science Fiction Quiz Book.
This guide will take you on a step-by-step journey from blog creation to choosing a template, arranging the layout, and adding "Gadgets" that allow you to monetize your blog.
You'll also learn how to format your posts - bolding and italicizing your text, adding H1, H2 and H3 tags, justifying it, adding bulleted or numbered lists, adding (and optimizing) images, adding links and video, and scheduling your blog entries to post on whatever day(s) you'd like.
The book is fully illustrated so you need only follow the illustrations to create and monetize your blog, with no stress or confusion. Once you create your blog, you can start posting, and after a month to establish the blog's reliability, you can join various affiliate programs and start making money!
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